Review: Eden (2012)


Girls warehoused complete with tracker tags just like any other livestock..its true honest

A rather far-fetched “true” story about the abduction of girls from American streets to work in the sex industry. In this tale a young Asian girl sneaks into a bar with her friend and a fake ID and meets a fireman. After lots of flirting they go for a drive, but the drive turns into a nightmare (no he’s not really a fireman).

She wakes up to find herself in her underwear in the back of a truck with several other girls in a similar state. Housed in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere the girls are rented out to customers who seem oblivious of what is going on. The whole setup is very organized and almost production line.

In a lot of ways this film reminded me of Prime Cut (supposedly also based on “Truth”), this film even has the same corrupt cop played by Lee Marvin in the original. Whilst the film was mildly entertaining, if not perhaps a little over sensational in parts; if Americans really believe the “truth” part, I think they are more gullible than we think! Sure it was based on a true story but for the most part that concerned one woman who was shifted around from motel to motel, this film is more like a twisted Japanese porn flick!

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